Goodwill FAQs 2024 | Questions & Answer
Goodwill Commodities Account Opening Enquiry
Comments for Goodwill FAQs 2024 | Questions & Answer
Frequently Asked Questions
This platform provides you a wide range of advance tool for charting, trading and technical analysis. Goodwill have transformed the face of trading. This platform is integrated with the latest technology which is secure, reliable and user friendly.
This is the process by which physical certificates of an investor are converted to an equivalent number of securities in electronic from and credited to the investor’s account.
Yes, Goodwill is the trading member of the MSEI. Traders/Investors need to open a trading account and after that participants need to deposit stipulated cash or collaterals with the trading member.
There is no Account Opening Fees for Demat and Trading Account in GoodWill Commodities.
SLBM stands for Stock Lending and Borrowing Mechanism. Stock or Security Lending and Borrowing (SLB) is an opportunity in which a trader can lend the stocks that they own and also a trader can borrow shares that they do not already own. In this way, a trader can earn a lending fee for the stocks lend.
Yes, on behalf of their client, Goodwill will place the request on the SLB trading platform. Traders should have trading account with Goodwill.
This is totally free, you don’t need to pay single penny to open your demat as well as trading account at Goodwill.
Nobody knows the actual price at which the share is quoted on listing in the stock exchange, sometimes it could be less than the offered rate. This totally depends on demand and supply of the shares, company’s performance, overall economy etc.
Yes, it is safe, hassle free, reliable and trustworthy stockbroker. This broker is professionally well managed and listed at BSE and NSE.
No, Goodwill does not provide 3-in-1 account service.
ISIN stands for International Securities Identification Number. This is a unique code to identify securities.
It is advisable to transact through a SEBI registered intermediary. If you want to buy or sell any security on stock exchanges then you need to transact through a trading member of a stock exchange and also if you intend to hold securities in demat form then you need to maintain an account with a depositary.
Some useful points are as follows :
• Always make sure that your broker must be SEBI registered.
• Sign an agreement with your broker or sub-broker setting out terms and conditions clearly.
• Always insist on contract notes from your broker or sub-broker.
• Be sure that you give all your required details in the “Know Your Client” form.
• Always remember to keep copies of all the investment documents, application forms, acknowledgements slip, contract notes etc.
• Never ignore your expenses as well as if there is any doubt regarding transactions, make sure to discuss it with broker or sub-broker.
• If your broker or sub-broker is not resolving your problem or complaints within a reasonable period of time then bring it to attention of the “Investor Grievances Cell” of the NSE.
• Self-assessment is very important before investing. You must know your capabilities before venturing in the market.
MSEI stands for Metropolitan Exchange of India Limited. It is an electronic platform for trading in capital market, future and options, currency derivative and debt market segments.
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