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Where is Tpin in Groww App


Where is Tpin in Groww App

In the Groww app, TPIN refers to the 4-digit transaction PIN that you need to enter to complete certain actions like placing a buy or sell order for stocks or mutual funds. You can set up or reset your TPIN by going to the profile section of the app and selecting the 'TPIN' option. From there, you can enter your current TPIN (if you have one), set a new TPIN, or reset your TPIN if you've forgotten it.

What is Tpin in Groww?

In Groww, TPIN stands for Transaction PIN. It is a 4-digit personal identification number that you need to enter to complete certain transactions in the app such as placing an order to buy or sell stocks, mutual funds, or other securities. The TPIN helps to ensure the security of your account by preventing unauthorized transactions. You can set up or reset your TPIN in the Groww app by going to the profile section and selecting the 'TPIN' option.

How do I generate Tpin
To generate a TPIN (Transaction PIN) in the Groww app, follow these steps:

1. Open the Groww app and go to your profile by tapping the profile icon on the bottom right corner of the screen.
2. From your profile page, scroll down to find the "TPIN" option and click on it.
3. If you have not set a TPIN before, click on "Set TPIN" and enter a 4-digit numeric PIN of your choice.
4. If you have set a TPIN before, you will be prompted to enter your current TPIN. Once you do that, you can choose to reset or change your TPIN.
5. After setting or resetting your TPIN, make sure to remember it, as you will need to enter it every time you place an order to buy or sell stocks, mutual funds, or other securities on the Groww app.

Note that setting a TPIN is an important step in securing your Groww account and preventing unauthorized transactions, so be sure to choose a secure and unique PIN that is difficult for others to guess.

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